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Stop and hold your horses!

I am so glad you are here. Kingdom Riders cannot wait to officially open and start helping children in need to increase their daily life functions through horse therapy. The need for therapeutic riding and Occupational Therapy services continues to increase due to the rising number of diagnoses for children who have special needs. Without this non-profit organization, children will go without having a safe place to regulate their emotions, increase their daily life function by enhancing their basic life skills, and be encouraged, motivated, inspired, and challenged to grow.

Personal Bio:

I have my Bachelor’s degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Coastal Carolina University and graduated in December of 2023 with my Associate’s degree as an Occupational Therapist Assistance from HGTC. I grew up with horses and have a lot of experience working hands-on with horses and children. I owned a horse of my own for about eight years from middle to high school. God gave me a vision to open up Kingdom Riders about five years ago and I have had my heart and mind set on it since. Occupational Therapy is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory, or cognitive problems. OTs can help them regain independence in all areas of their lives. I am called to help special needs children or any child who may need help with barriers that affect a person’s emotional, social, or physical needs so they can function. I have worked at two horse farms where I had hands-on training with horses, teaching lessons, and maintaining barn chores. What makes Kingdom Riders unique compared to other hippo-therapy or equine-assisted therapy out there is my calling to not only assist children with therapy sessions for their physical, mental, and emotional health but I want to speak to children to enhance their spiritual health. This will be done by making sure all children know the love of God, they know they are uniquely and wonderfully made, they are strong and courageous kingdom riders and children of the most high God.

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